After six months of writing, editing, coding, testing, and coding even more, my first ebook is published and available on Amazon for Kindle e-readers.
It was an immense learning process, and through it I have gained a newfound respect for self-published authors (and code monkeys). Truth be told, I wrote the majority of the book in less than two weeks- the rest of the time was spent formatting and coding the text to look right on all e-readers- and it is still far from perfection. Sorry Kindle Paperwhite owners, I hope weird spacing on odd-numbered chapter titles doesn’t bother you too much. My sanity was at stake.
The book will eventually be available on Goodreads, Smashwords, Barnes & Nobles, and all the rest after my 90-day exclusivity contract expires with Amazon.
I know my audience with it is limited, but hopefully it can help guide at least one high school or college student who wants to work in sports and doesn’t know where to begin. In the least, it’s the first major independent project (not related to school or work) that I’ve completed. It’s also helped me develop productivity habits and a solid foundation of knowledge that will be a tremendous help to me as I begin to write my next book.
Bucket list, check:
1. Write and publish a book